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The current leaderboard contains 83 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
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Tournament Rules: All games will be run from the standings on the tournament page. Top name in the bracket will go to a table and call the lower bracket opponent to it. A 3-MINUTE TIMER will be put on any player who doesn’t go to the table as required. Disqualification follows time expiration. Rules For The Top Spots: The idea of a ladder ranking is to keep it moving and keep climbing the ladder to the top spots. That means the top spots should be the most active. Everyone wants the number one position: the number one player is required to play at least 10 games per day in order to keep the spot. If #1 doesn’t play the required 10 games in a 24 hr. period he/she will be dropped out of the top ten. #1 and #2 should make every effort to play each other at least once per day. Ranks 1 thru 5 should make every effort to play games with lower ranks to keep the ladder moving. Consequently, if it is found that any of the top five is avoiding ladder matches/league games with others seeking to gain rank, they will be dropped to rank 50. All members in the top ten must play a league match at least once every day; otherwise, you will be automatically dropped five rungs. There are no exceptions to this rule. League Games: League games (excluding tournaments) will be 121 games(Cribbage).

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Edited By Dar_29ers

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