Angelflower (angelflower)


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Rank  (To find unranked users, use the filter 'Rank is 0')

The current leaderboard contains 15 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 sstarss44  4498 4556 1484 49.680% 0 6d21h 4 52.4% 295031 829409 1 1702 11
2 frostman  5586 6036 1494 48.064% 0 6d21h 3 44.3% 49119 610089 1 1689 11
3 joannd831  1965 1844 1516 51.588% 0 5d21h 3 58.8% 202061 392631 1 1647 9
4 weewoman  2 2 1489 50.000% 0 5d21h 4 100.0% 2030 1230 9 1553 2
5 Faeann  Gold Member Member of this league for 6.3 years 6146 6371 1542 49.101% 0 5d21h 3 47.5% 27675 4737943 1 1716 11
6 jerwins  352 321 1638 52.303% 0 15h 3 54.2% 312412 246362 1 1649 7
7 Nana  2113 1904 1425 52.601% 0 4d9h 3 43.4% 1331386 1550006 1 1719 16
8 steelmag61  3 2 1541 60.000% 0 5d12h 7 100.0% 2080 1340 9 1573 2
9 randysmith  3 7 1414 30.000% 0 5d6h 6 100.0% 1840 2340 8 1523 3
10 fubarfj  1516 1690 1388 47.286% 0 4d21h 3 54.2% 16322 166032 1 1649 11
11 nwet  4 2 1541 66.667% 0 5d21h 4 100.0% 1120 1420 5 1560 2
12 goomba  8 8 1501 50.000% 0 4d15h 3 87.5% 1099 1899 3 1589 2
13 sford2948  1139 1070 1506 51.562% 0 4d9h 4 76.3% 140 127834 1 1697 10
14 joel81  1085 1388 1475 43.874% 0 4d21h 3 53.3% 1941 113961 1 1608 8
15 DancingMonkey  1683 1637 1494 50.693% 0 4d6h 3 41.5% 50180 210900 1 1712 13

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