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The current leaderboard contains 14 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 queensthrone  3 100 1021 2.913% 0 7d19h 3 100.0% 4340 3610 6 1462 1
2 sue122445  Diamond Member Member of this league for 2.3 years 640 696 1526 47.904% 0 6d16h 3 58.7% 2248566 610888 1 1752 7
3 Judgesuz  6 2 1613 75.000% 0 4d19h 3 87.5% 4599 5659 3 1671 5
4 wanderrose23  2 2 1501 50.000% 0 3d19h 7 100.0% 238 1576 11 1536 1
5 suckerrdg  3 5 1467 37.500% 0 3d13h 2 100.0% 1452 952 5 1553 1
6 Jamiel0991  28 45 1392 38.356% 0 3d19h 3 89.0% 4069 5269 2 1640 3
7 Flute2011  10 13 1450 43.478% 0 2d19h 3 95.7% 2367 2267 5 1572 2
8 cntrlstr1  34 23 1646 59.649% 0 1d1h 4 73.7% 2540 4540 3 1705 5
9 dorothyquiring1970  13 29 1475 30.952% 0 8d 3 95.2% 1031 3131 3 1514 3
10 Ruby1laura1  2 2 1508 50.000% 0 19h 5 100.0% 410 510 11 1557 2
11 QUEEN4LYFE  Gold Member Member of this league for 2.3 years 945 1534 1461 38.120% 0 6d16h 3 61.9% 804491 608818 1 1686 7
12 ca2lkn  39 47 1420 45.349% 0 6d13h 4 67.4% 6363 11613 1 1690 7
13 DJdaisy  2 3 1462 40.000% 0 16h 6 100.0% 3226 2526 9 1542 2
14 swangagal  5 10 1475 33.333% 0 16h 4 93.3% 1933 1433 5 1508 1

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