while playing. As staff, it is our responsibility to ensure we treat each of you with respect and courtesy
you deserve. We volunteer our time so that everyone can enjoy themselves. We expect the same from our members.
It is your responsibility to respect everyone in the room, members and non-members alike. This courtesy
and respect also carries over to our website. The chatbox is there for everyone's enjoyment and use. Good
sportsmanship and courtesy are the rule, not the exception to the rule. The TD has the discretion to remove
any player from their tour who they feel is creating a problem. Members will MUTE any person/s in the room who
is/are obnoxious or rude. As a reminder, do not discuss any other league or its members in chat.
Game Rules:
1) Only one 300 may be bowled during a single tour that will count as a win for that member. If the member
is having a great bowling day, and bowls a second 300 in the SAME tour, they will incur an automatic loss.
This rule is in place to discourage the use of "bots".
2) There won't be any rematches if your game freezes or you get booted.
Edited By Islandchick89
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