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The current leaderboard contains 15 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 reddog5760  164 82 1604 66.667% -2 1d9h 6 26.8% 3386 11206 1 1891 14
2 Momma2Bear  28 18 1576 60.870% 1 1d9h 4 45.7% 1308 2778 1 1763 10
3 shadow999939  908 665 1570 57.724% 2 1d9h 6 44.0% 31543 44223 1 1816 19
4 reddogbarking  867 622 1585 58.227% -1 1d9h 6 34.0% 17722 43422 1 1751 16
5 Ben  5 7 1531 41.667% -1 15h 2 100.0% 598 1088 3 1556 2
6 prettylady7660  892 687 1512 56.492% 0 6h39m 6 49.7% 16016 51566 1 1746 13
7 lilac2351  439 480 1603 47.769% 0 1d6h 6 58.8% 18741 43151 1 1721 13
8 pops2u4now  Diamond Member Member of this league for 8.6 years 733 530 1521 58.036% 0 15h 6 53.1% 286252 173333 1 1751 16
9 doubledipper  169 178 1422 48.703% 0 15h 6 28.5% 7722 9802 1 1626 9
10 lazydazy200  3 4 1520 42.857% 0 1d6h 6 100.0% 814 1094 8 1547 1
11 Justmommydearest  1403 1062 1514 56.917% -2 1d9h 6 46.9% 67859 129229 1 1798 20
12 stellapoo  411 1310 1495 23.881% 0 5d9h 6 61.1% 9064 29274 1 1587 6
13 NavalairP  703 363 1642 65.948% 0 1d9h 6 47.7% 11965 31185 1 1829 14
14 sewbirdnc1  4 6 1445 40.000% 0 1d9h 6 90.0% 819 999 6 1552 2
15 singhappyfeet  389 226 1669 63.252% 0 84d 6 59.7% 80287 78366 1 1790 12

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