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The current leaderboard contains 13 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
3 DarlinPuppy  Platinum Member Member of this league for 3.8 years 2581 2076 1603 55.422% 0 6d4h 4 44.0% 2060 1024687 1 1746 12
4 CALEFLK402  723 759 1578 48.785% 0 6d4h 4 59.0% 100 317613 1 1686 11
5 crazywolf76  180 206 1423 46.632% 0 6d4h 3 57.6% 61249 74649 1 1652 12
6 cookinlilly222  204 214 1586 48.804% 0 5d4h 4 72.4% 17264 31269 1 1844 6
7 gryhnds4marci  2314 1954 1533 54.217% 0 2d19h 3 47.5% 310 2155125 1 1759 11
8 DJ_Fire_Dragon  1389 1840 1557 43.016% 0 1h0m 3 54.8% 235932 408912 1 1693 10
9 LADYnRED4456  35 79 1344 30.702% 0 5d22h 7 85.1% 329 2869 4 1651 6
10 WyldnLuvnIt  Platinum Member Member of this league for 3.8 years 6 7 1453 46.154% 0 5d1h 6 92.3% 100 770 4 1605 4
11 Islandwingsdar  174 134 1582 56.493% 0 5d22h 6 56.4% 19697 25867 1 1723 12
12 grzegorz1108  7 8 1469 46.667% 0 5d4h 5 73.3% 5817 1442 3 1567 4
13 unipegs  2 3 1488 40.000% 0 5d4h 4 100.0% 2230 640 14 1539 1
14 dondon50  1219 1187 1498 50.665% 0 1h0m 3 53.3% 282977 369367 1 1785 9
15 goldie1964  2 0 1567 100.000% 0 6d4h 1 100.0% 831 931 3 1567 2

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