Super Canastas (sc)


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The current leaderboard contains 8 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 gloryagp  7252 6306 2080 53.489% 0 1d18h 14 33.9% 7916 6926 1 2080 24
2 rosy116  15507 14833 2002 51.111% 0 1d18h 13 32.9% 18319 17324 1 2026 26
3 osumi_17  15880 13207 1909 54.595% 0 2d18h 13 40.6% 7338 6358 1 2050 26
4 morenaportu15  5858 6147 1856 48.796% 0 1d18h 8 46.0% 2084 1089 1 1981 20
5 palu_098  11347 11918 1623 48.773% 0 1d18h 10 46.6% 5171 4176 1 1950 22
6 rosy_sc  40 24 1788 62.500% 0 63d 5 75.0% 24589 24589 3 1858 5
7 analistaverde  35 41 1636 46.053% 0 63d 4 56.6% 630 630 1 1744 5
8 mahengo18  12902 12293 1672 51.209% 0 63d 17 40.9% 6263 5263 1 1858 25

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