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The current leaderboard contains 108 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
101 DaleMatherly  135 49 1647 73.370% 0 19d 38 69.6% 2400 2710 6 1759 17
102 AminAbunker  118 54 1581 68.605% 0 18d 36 14.3% 2441 2541 8 1726 9
103 gersman1972  31 41 1297 43.056% 0 18d 34 0.0% 930 930 20 1304 5
104 DORAN908  137 118 1592 53.725% 0 12d 36 57.9% 1342 1642 4 1643 10
105 Overwaters  651 1301 1581 33.350% 0 19d 21 66.2% 7839 9539 2 1732 6
106 donko58  205 817 1188 20.059% 0 10d 33 80.0% 1221 2771 9 1606 6
107 MightyNic  32 8 1653 80.000% 0 26d 32 60.0% 610 610 5 1734 7
108 PEYTONSPLACE  3 17 1283 15.000% -2 5d7h 35 100.0% 690 690 62 1500 1

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