Bowl of Fun

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Rank  (To find unranked users, use the filter 'Rank is 0')

The current leaderboard contains 64 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
51 djdano1967  2 5 1382 28.571% 1 11d 8 100.0% 1683 783 16 1525 1
52 eddyman  5 4 1468 55.556% 1 133d 6 100.0% 773 873 18 1500 1
53 goose806  Hot Streak 652 376 1645 63.424% 7 140d 6 43.9% 19804 56514 1 1777 16
54 SimplyDiane  55 38 1610 59.140% 4 149d 6 75.0% 16486 7336 2 1610 7
55 herdsman4855  1 0 1515 100.000% 1 174d 4 0.0% 100 760 17 1515 0
56 jmt00057  94 81 1489 53.714% 3 179d 4 41.7% 5534 12134 1 1599 8
57 Rosebud  5 11 1362 31.250% -2 203d 9 93.3% 31134 5834 12 1479 1
58 oldspicecee  Hot Streak 92 43 1607 68.148% 5 130d 5 52.6% 195326 85126 1 1702 11
59 BIGWHITEGUY44yrs  2 5 1437 28.571% -3 203d 11 100.0% 1384 984 19 1506 2
60 snowjames25  3 3 1481 50.000% 0 285d 3 100.0% 2095 995 10 1542 1
61 wiseoldtimer  23 15 1543 60.526% 0 287d 7 84.4% 2273 2973 4 1596 6
62 valannhope2  3 0 1545 100.000% 0 310d 4 0.0% 1850 550 22 1545 1
63 newtara122  3 1 1514 75.000% 0 361d 4 100.0% 2166 866 13 1516 1
64 russ441  12 3 1653 80.000% 0 286d 4 85.7% 3800 3210 4 1668 5

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