Alley Cats

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The current leaderboard contains 71 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
51 grannylisa  847 1054 1515 44.556% 0 205d 13 69.2% 4502 180852 2 1711 13
52 Pirateprincess  1 4 1492 20.000% 0 52d 13 100.0% 625 1225 49 1503 1
53 PennyLara73  7 10 1512 41.176% 0 224d 9 88.2% 3780 1530 8 1606 4
54 marliejo647  120 315 1308 27.586% 0 193d 10 79.1% 25318 46368 1 1590 10
55 my4dachs  5968 5220 1529 53.343% 0 229d 12 40.2% 44214259 4788991 1 1849 28
56 Apryl889  8 36 1309 18.182% 0 233d 11 97.7% 2634 3434 15 1497 2
57 Nancyjo  Diamond Member Member of this league for 2.4 years 2846 4506 1469 38.711% 0 276d 12 60.3% 2489587 3440387 1 1752 12
58 jrr1121  1 5 1430 16.667% 0 249d 10 100.0% 6380 1480 46 1492 1
59 muzz077  Gold Member Member of this league for 2.6 years 976 1454 1485 40.165% 0 291d 12 72.6% 6077776 1349226 1 1709 14
60 icantempu  4172 3546 1560 54.056% 0 293d 12 42.5% 296022 965822 1 1819 22
61 oldspicecee  8 9 1510 47.059% 0 294d 15 94.1% 87044 4244 27 1605 3
62 ttann1111  3 4 1526 42.857% 0 284d 13 100.0% 23910 4910 20 1553 2
63 Djscotty1  3235 3510 1571 47.962% 0 186d 12 57.4% 561891 2202842 1 1815 22
64 MegaBoX2  Platinum Member 10 26 1335 27.778% 0 318d 12 86.1% 7213 5813 14 1605 4
65 jenny  297 359 1710 45.274% 0 330d 13 74.8% 100 102171 3 1731 11
66 crash123s  30 24 1553 55.556% 0 294d 11 77.8% 126144 31094 4 1741 6
67 PapiChulo6969  79 122 1404 39.303% 0 360d 12 78.6% 1432 17182 7 1778 8
68 Stewie92  45 39 1572 53.571% 0 266d 14 76.2% 37134 39784 4 1786 12
69 yestadaysson19572  751 914 1625 45.105% 0 180d 12 69.5% 278331 825706 2 1747 17
70 Skuffle25  23 19 1573 54.762% 0 324d 13 66.7% 5202 20902 8 1672 6
71 BonziPogo  2 6 1416 25.000% 0 240d 14 100.0% 6560 7660 34 1508 2

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