Bluestar Lounge

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Rank  (To find unranked users, use the filter 'Rank is 0')

The current leaderboard contains 15 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 blonzilla  3 4 1494 42.857% 0 5d8h 7 85.7% 4501 5501 9 1527 2
2 melis_deg2  7 6 1504 53.846% 0 5d8h 5 76.9% 3300 7050 5 1582 3
3 kiddo34  35 53 1385 39.773% 0 5d8h 7 45.5% 1358 204892 1 1562 4
4 sftbp8er  4 6 1467 40.000% 0 1d11h 7 80.0% 5860 5110 6 1499 2
5 QueenAJ  13 9 1496 59.091% 0 1d11h 7 59.1% 4407 9907 3 1661 6
6 jcm64  33 49 1428 40.244% 0 8h29m 7 50.0% 84636 214261 1 1570 5
7 VintageVino  2 1 1506 66.667% 0 1d8h 8 100.0% 11500 13000 12 1547 2
8 Staryn  8 4 1568 66.667% 0 5d8h 7 58.3% 12501 14751 2 1605 3
9 Lftyhere  4 3 1515 57.143% 0 5d8h 3 100.0% 24521 24521 6 1530 2
10 MISCHIEF_13  6 3 1609 66.667% 0 1d11h 6 77.8% 5250 3000 4 1609 4
11 x_Richard_x  3 3 1484 50.000% 0 26d 4 100.0% 600 16980 12 1537 2
12 coltsnuts  2 1 1528 66.667% 0 5d5h 11 100.0% 8260 5010 12 1528 2
13 rightcom  50 36 1488 58.139% 0 4d14h 7 12.8% 4200 327800 1 1794 11
14 Zanybird  32 34 1460 48.485% 0 4d8h 6 47.0% 26855 38305 1 1629 6
15 Bunyips  2 0 1557 100.000% 0 5d5h 4 100.0% 340 4520 9 1557 2

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