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The current leaderboard contains 16 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 ELITERLISA  64 57 1661 52.893% 0 1d6h 6 39.7% 3868 73496 1 1670 7
2 angelhorse69  33 71 1390 31.731% 0 1d6h 12 39.8% 1414 4874 1 1472 4
3 drea5556  34 59 1379 36.559% 0 1d6h 14 39.8% 27030 31920 2 1530 4
4 ԜнᴉᴛᴇԜᴀʟĸᴇᴙ  7 4 1549 63.636% 0 1d6h 22 36.4% 10645 11155 13 1618 4
5 Vagabond  31 13 1669 70.454% 0 1d6h 7 52.3% 23214 25974 3 1728 9
6 truper_82  3 3 1503 50.000% 0 12h 16 83.3% 750 1150 13 1559 2
7 this.old.fart_rules  3189 2106 1481 60.227% -2 12h 75 44.7% 1705 525834 1 2013 127
8 saucy.chele  52 55 1603 48.598% 1 12h 16 100.0% 4670 870 1 1642 2
9 Sexy_Princess_  12 48 1276 20.000% 0 12h 8 68.3% 1403 3923 3 1522 2
10 PeRfEcT_aNd_PoiSoNoUs  30 31 1499 49.180% 0 12h 13 45.9% 21439 16478 1 1569 4
11 papa_bear_44_2004  16 9 1478 64.000% 0 14d 7 80.0% 1623 2873 3 1623 3
12 Stacey.  47 37 1522 55.952% 0 14d 11 29.8% 32148 59768 1 1661 5
13 DJRaleigh  5 4 1469 55.556% 0 14d 9 77.8% 410 910 10 1562 3
14 Myst  1978 2310 1505 46.129% 0 14d 28 50.3% 20934 381173 1 1746 15
15 DJ_Giggles  9 7 1519 56.250% 0 14d 8 81.2% 484 1384 4 1575 2
16 SeXy_LeXy  Diamond Member Member of this league for 9.1 years 11 20 1454 35.484% 0 469d 10 70.4% 100 12684 3 1591 4

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