Formula1 (f1)

la casa del domino


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The current leaderboard contains 27 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 al_calvillo  2265 2275 1301 49.890% 4 7h16m 8 37.3% 23625 30505 1 1746 19
2 Fenix69  643 886 1281 42.054% -3 7h16m 6 53.2% 6512 6892 1 1694 10
3 Pichakita  1223 1383 1520 46.930% 1 7h16m 8 53.7% 6425 9795 1 1721 14
4 Charitounica_1  2082 2212 1425 48.486% 1 7h16m 9 36.4% 5768 12898 1 1752 18
5 pacorr77  1148 1054 1439 52.134% 1 1d8h 8 52.1% 8484 10974 1 1732 15
6 Jess_Mty  1229 1388 1612 46.962% 1 8h18m 10 53.1% 11584 16634 1 1724 16
7 Jorgalfo  2273 1986 1519 53.369% 0 1d5h 10 28.8% 5335 11675 1 1764 19
8 Luigivirgo  478 403 1580 54.257% 0 1d20h 9 74.4% 16203 17153 3 1743 12
9 palermos22  1161 1071 1617 52.016% 0 2d5h 9 53.9% 4397 8257 1 1744 14
10 yaro_bailador  755 707 1554 51.642% 0 1d5h 9 59.3% 3055 5905 2 1731 15
11 Chucho_el_chico  1873 1938 1503 49.147% 0 7d5h 9 44.6% 7605 12555 1 1770 22
12 Wiz  8 1 1606 88.889% 0 3d23h 6 40.0% 550 550 5 1606 4
13 Camaleon  1389 1012 1617 57.851% 0 5h47m 10 40.9% 22530 25650 1 1814 20
14 Chapo53  727 587 1687 55.327% 0 1d23h 10 57.0% 1203 3383 1 1745 19
15 Paula  1381 1424 1521 49.233% 0 1d5h 10 45.0% 5518 8988 1 1727 17
16 Anguca77  595 600 1645 49.791% 0 6d23h 9 59.9% 1239 4519 1 1751 13
17 Ponchin  1764 1523 1658 53.666% 0 23d 10 37.3% 4384 10664 1 1792 20
18 Metalgearsolied76  258 504 1191 33.858% 0 6d9h 8 81.0% 1618 2648 2 1660 7
19 Gutygael  1409 1118 1683 55.758% 0 61d 10 37.4% 12701 15981 1 1785 23
20 el_pelao79  397 476 1536 45.475% 0 93d 9 67.3% 3115 3375 1 1662 9
21 Ricarma_77  851 580 1483 59.469% 0 267d 10 51.6% 3510 4930 1 1754 16
22 Cheguicho  392 406 1563 49.123% 0 253d 10 74.6% 507 1907 3 1704 16
23 danielcg23  810 676 1446 54.509% 0 267d 10 55.1% 3577 5607 1 1783 22
24 ahuizotl  238 344 1503 40.894% 0 267d 10 69.9% 759 2029 2 1644 10
25 Egrojs18  18 12 1669 60.000% 0 281d 8 65.4% 546 546 3 1669 6
26 Savi75  1162 1228 1470 48.619% 0 169d 10 51.1% 2331 6061 1 1717 17
27 albertolars  260 356 1541 42.208% 0 327d 10 74.2% 3410 4030 3 1686 10

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