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The current leaderboard contains 15 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 bdgrl102  4802 4203 1795 53.326% -2 5d0h 8 47.9% 258505 549913 1 1847 14
2 JMACER716  7297 6622 1704 52.425% 2 5d0h 10 39.4% 623692 1416453 1 1792 10
3 loomispossum  3592 2429 1843 59.658% -1 5d0h 9 55.5% 1021436 697219 1 1988 17
4 jtoey1233  429 488 1596 46.783% -1 5d0h 3 52.8% 74600 113110 1 1839 13
5 mjoy44444  99 92 1601 51.833% 0 9d 4 31.4% 4395 9945 1 1667 7
6 Wetscratch  Gold Member Member of this league for 5.2 years 3 0 1603 100.000% 0 9d 4 100.0% 955 1025 4 1603 3
7 stonerckt  4390 5988 1297 42.301% 0 6d16h 8 53.4% 247417 1126350 1 1779 14
8 earnhrdtfn19699  74 76 1468 49.333% 0 8d 4 59.3% 24780 30740 1 1731 7
9 olddingo  1696 1613 1277 51.254% 0 2d16h 12 68.8% 78767 161059 1 1768 12
10 momwithtwins4  1085 691 1723 61.092% 0 1d16h 5 48.0% 96614 153724 1 1799 12
11 lindaply256  8400 7903 1253 51.524% 0 7d16h 8 24.0% 339032 2404379 1 1761 12
12 foxilaidi46  569 1029 1485 35.607% 0 4d4h 5 62.5% 1975 51370 1 1633 7
13 PURPLEROSIE63288  459 697 1676 39.706% 0 19d 4 73.5% 302866 273449 1 1727 5
14 readyjade508846  2 1 1553 66.667% 0 14d 4 100.0% 560 660 8 1553 1
15 kaznetti  2615 1990 1667 56.786% 0 2d10h 6 49.8% 85487 225182 1 1791 16

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