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The current leaderboard contains 11 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 Kevin67  5059 4070 1627 55.417% 4 2d16h 3 67.8% 23577 22632 1 1795 23
2 trainwreck1  9427 14881 1584 38.782% 1 1d17h 3 37.5% 46226 45321 1 1776 18
3 Eddie  2931 5824 1199 33.478% -1 1d17h 3 82.1% 25310 24360 1 1706 11
4 CcatP7  3861 1745 1614 68.873% -1 4d10h 3 57.0% 15112 14112 1 2007 32
5 dummy1  Hot Streak 625 0 2366 100.000% 127 4d19h 3 75.0% 1532 532 1 2366 127
6 ger1195  440 850 1312 34.108% 3 5d19h 4 0.0% 5914 5914 1 1651 11
7 PolishWanker  Hot Streak 63 62 1650 50.400% 16 19h 2 0.0% 792 792 1 1650 15
8 BredtSmidt  Hot Streak 1002 587 1615 63.059% 6 19h 5 46.5% 6131 5171 1 1983 19
9 antanarta  9865 5037 1597 66.199% 2 1h56m 4 31.9% 34342 33437 1 2008 30
10 oofla  853 1214 1564 41.267% 2 10h56m 4 63.5% 5298 5348 1 1667 9
11 wildbill415  4988 3189 1571 61.000% 1 19h 4 36.6% 45016 44041 1 1813 25

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