Opponent(Games Played) | Win-Loss | Last Game |
Barbaraj2351 (11) | 10 - 1 | 10/13/2013 06:11:22 |
Basilcar (478) | 340 - 138 | 12/14/2024 05:34:50 |
CPTPower187 (15) | 13 - 2 | 07/27/2017 05:37:05 |
CaptainMidnyte (3) | 3 - 0 | 10/08/2012 05:56:47 |
FPsunshine (9) | 6 - 3 | 05/18/2020 05:35:22 |
Frinkel1 (18) | 14 - 4 | 04/27/2017 05:51:33 |
GG864 (62) | 46 - 16 | 08/20/2018 06:43:47 |
Gator1958player (312) | 213 - 99 | 01/13/2025 04:52:03 |
Jack4241_ (2) | 0 - 2 | 09/17/2024 05:36:28 |
JnncPlay (5) | 3 - 2 | 12/12/2016 05:51:16 |
July28Player (4) | 4 - 0 | 03/16/2012 05:42:34 |
Linda8900245 (1209) | 707 - 502 | 06/07/2023 04:57:06 |
MBeals3 (3) | 3 - 0 | 08/09/2022 05:35:51 |
Myteddys1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/04/2012 05:51:59 |
NanaJacque (722) | 540 - 182 | 08/30/2023 05:39:15 |
Phyllisfturley (890) | 586 - 304 | 11/26/2020 05:38:03 |
SHARONkay1944 (61) | 52 - 9 | 09/09/2013 05:37:18 |
SNICKER163 (4) | 2 - 2 | 03/13/2012 05:53:10 |
Shami45 (104) | 78 - 26 | 02/01/2016 05:40:04 |
Stewie92 (2) | 2 - 0 | 11/21/2019 05:49:43 |
UsernameOLEJACK95 (1) | 1 - 0 | 10/29/2019 05:40:35 |
VicLove53 (474) | 372 - 102 | 12/19/2023 05:42:21 |
VicLove58 (75) | 55 - 20 | 06/05/2017 06:17:25 |
WorfAtKhitomer (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/03/2023 04:59:31 |
arviegraves (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/07/2010 05:55:21 |
babyroo (5) | 4 - 1 | 11/02/2011 06:22:33 |
bbqmomp (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/08/2010 06:42:02 |
bebby11 (2) | 1 - 1 | 08/15/2019 06:41:51 |
bed971 (16) | 8 - 8 | 05/01/2012 06:13:54 |
bigbadjoe6 (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/29/2010 05:45:32 |
bingoqueenmarie (26) | 16 - 10 | 07/19/2020 06:20:33 |
bingoqueennarie (1) | 0 - 1 | 04/05/2020 06:31:01 |
blubunny129 (38) | 33 - 5 | 02/23/2015 05:40:30 |
blueparadise10 (1) | 1 - 0 | 03/20/2014 06:08:15 |
bratld8 (2) | 2 - 0 | 09/20/2011 05:55:45 |
brownrp98 (72) | 51 - 21 | 12/16/2018 05:35:14 |
bundlehauler2p (12) | 10 - 2 | 05/10/2013 05:50:44 |
carynlouise66 (3) | 3 - 0 | 10/12/2015 06:20:02 |
catinthehat1944 (26) | 16 - 10 | 01/10/2012 06:26:17 |
cher8002 (7) | 5 - 2 | 02/15/2016 06:20:31 |
cheywy08 (2) | 2 - 0 | 07/16/2017 06:18:13 |
cinda145 (1) | 1 - 0 | 04/18/2011 06:33:21 |
clbq65 (441) | 264 - 177 | 01/08/2025 04:58:52 |
cllylr (63) | 41 - 22 | 09/23/2012 06:22:35 |
clyde50 (313) | 192 - 121 | 11/30/2020 05:35:37 |
cricket4862 (101) | 73 - 28 | 11/10/2019 06:21:05 |
crystlblue48 (2) | 2 - 0 | 09/28/2010 06:27:57 |
cutLamont197757 (18) | 13 - 5 | 03/20/2017 05:54:14 |
cutieagness (6) | 5 - 1 | 08/26/2015 06:23:44 |
cutieagness1949 (12) | 12 - 0 | 09/24/2015 06:20:12 |
danndeee (7) | 7 - 0 | 01/21/2016 05:46:59 |
diva (2) | 1 - 1 | 04/17/2017 05:49:53 |
drmar3 (3) | 2 - 1 | 10/23/2011 06:30:46 |
edkindhearted924 (11) | 9 - 2 | 05/27/2020 05:47:11 |
eleanorgau43 (8) | 5 - 3 | 07/08/2010 06:24:17 |
ernrttr745 (972) | 724 - 248 | 01/12/2025 05:01:11 |
genesimmons4 (3) | 2 - 1 | 06/28/2012 06:18:57 |
giggles4175 (9) | 3 - 6 | 03/12/2018 06:18:59 |
grumpyp429 (3) | 1 - 2 | 05/21/2011 05:38:56 |
guessmate (18) | 15 - 3 | 10/26/2024 05:28:38 |
guy0000 (5) | 1 - 4 | 06/04/2012 06:45:01 |
gymshoes32 (98) | 82 - 16 | 02/09/2014 06:26:27 |
hieb1954 (16) | 13 - 3 | 01/29/2011 04:34:05 |
highprince9 (9) | 7 - 2 | 12/13/2010 06:38:28 |
jerrie691 (7) | 5 - 2 | 06/18/2017 05:21:22 |
jmt0024 (4) | 4 - 0 | 08/30/2020 06:41:17 |
jmwhite907 (11) | 8 - 3 | 02/19/2013 06:28:18 |
juanlabanda (22) | 17 - 5 | 05/31/2011 06:19:51 |
junebug6367 (7) | 5 - 2 | 08/23/2010 05:38:21 |
karenjohnson5628 (9) | 9 - 0 | 12/18/2010 05:50:18 |
karmamom2014 (4) | 3 - 1 | 10/09/2019 05:50:41 |
katrhamesSC (1133) | 680 - 453 | 01/13/2025 05:19:58 |
leonardracing12 (29) | 16 - 13 | 03/23/2022 05:42:54 |
lilharleychick50 (4) | 3 - 1 | 06/03/2013 06:27:50 |
lilrascals98 (2) | 2 - 0 | 10/27/2016 05:40:55 |
littleitaly513 (19) | 13 - 6 | 07/31/2012 05:42:44 |
lucigalp (68) | 46 - 22 | 04/02/2011 06:53:08 |
luvsocean (94) | 88 - 6 | 07/11/2016 05:39:17 |
lynette947player (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/14/2016 06:29:51 |
lynnannrose (4) | 4 - 0 | 10/24/2010 06:45:44 |
madhatter102 (1) | 1 - 0 | 06/06/2016 05:39:47 |
martha0591 (95) | 67 - 28 | 11/16/2015 06:12:50 |
maryb154-19 (10) | 6 - 4 | 04/25/2016 06:23:51 |
maxder (278) | 240 - 38 | 07/24/2014 05:36:53 |
mightyjohn52 (5) | 5 - 0 | 03/23/2017 05:44:09 |
mrles711 (175) | 130 - 45 | 01/15/2015 05:26:51 |
mrsgoodtime6 (129) | 107 - 22 | 06/12/2014 05:37:23 |
nanpoo (20) | 16 - 4 | 03/01/2011 04:28:03 |
newbarbiegirl152 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/01/2017 06:48:03 |
nicemam62 (14) | 13 - 1 | 11/29/2015 06:12:03 |
nightowl1212 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/26/2012 05:40:09 |
nuttyboynews (8) | 8 - 0 | 11/14/2023 05:37:20 |
oilnvingar1 (1) | 1 - 0 | 08/28/2011 05:46:16 |
ojeryks (415) | 246 - 169 | 11/17/2016 05:36:15 |
oldman62p (7) | 4 - 3 | 05/26/2013 05:38:41 |
piranha102364 (1) | 1 - 0 | 09/20/2024 05:07:00 |
playerjeff1951 (9) | 8 - 1 | 09/16/2011 05:49:31 |
playladeja7 (7) | 6 - 1 | 10/03/2010 06:20:37 |
pontoo1 (120) | 95 - 25 | 08/11/2014 05:28:06 |
poolsharkplyr (2) | 2 - 0 | 12/15/2016 05:40:38 |
popawhite (909) | 625 - 284 | 06/10/2018 06:12:09 |
popfan2003 (79) | 73 - 6 | 10/09/2011 06:28:28 |
popfan2011 (2) | 2 - 0 | 05/22/2011 05:37:16 |
queenbeegrammy (1) | 1 - 0 | 01/02/2011 12:59:04 |
quizz6 (12) | 8 - 4 | 02/12/2012 05:41:16 |
rcyclmn59 (19) | 10 - 9 | 03/25/2018 06:19:06 |
readycatchme334 (26) | 18 - 8 | 02/05/2017 06:22:44 |
redroses635 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/02/2015 05:40:39 |
scottsmith223 (3) | 3 - 0 | 08/05/2010 06:11:49 |
scottymom (13) | 9 - 4 | 07/13/2010 06:29:19 |
scronbell (1035) | 698 - 337 | 11/27/2024 05:39:33 |
seabreeze828 (11) | 7 - 4 | 02/16/2012 06:11:29 |
serenity63379 (5) | 4 - 1 | 10/03/2016 05:53:51 |
sgarsugar (5) | 2 - 3 | 08/10/2015 06:31:29 |
shadow14530 (92) | 66 - 26 | 10/17/2011 06:29:57 |
shake1953 (2) | 2 - 0 | 06/08/2010 06:20:59 |
shirley259 (1) | 1 - 0 | 02/26/2010 05:47:22 |
smally4u1946 (121) | 73 - 48 | 03/17/2020 05:42:58 |
snowsnk2 (24) | 17 - 7 | 03/25/2011 07:18:39 |
submariner909 (1) | 0 - 1 | 09/15/2014 05:33:50 |
sue11206 (24) | 15 - 9 | 10/19/2015 06:27:46 |
sue12345 (36) | 18 - 18 | 12/01/2019 06:31:50 |
sue53f (59) | 50 - 9 | 07/05/2011 07:29:41 |
sweetspades (7) | 6 - 1 | 08/05/2012 06:06:59 |
testedw111257949 (6) | 6 - 0 | 09/19/2016 05:51:48 |
tigerladylynn (845) | 514 - 331 | 01/11/2025 04:53:48 |
tony20smokeno1 (1) | 0 - 1 | 02/24/2010 06:37:14 |
tootie1220 (1) | 0 - 1 | 11/18/2017 06:24:46 |
truegreatdeer787 (189) | 143 - 46 | 02/12/2016 05:38:33 |
tunnelmom564 (619) | 332 - 287 | 01/13/2025 05:19:56 |
turbotuttle (61) | 42 - 19 | 11/25/2020 05:41:27 |
viclove58.pgo (38) | 33 - 5 | 05/12/2016 06:39:01 |
wabbit (7) | 4 - 3 | 08/09/2010 05:46:00 |
walleyeatsag3 (10) | 6 - 4 | 12/14/2010 05:59:59 |
whitedog66 (51) | 41 - 10 | 02/02/2014 06:08:49 |
This is Linda watching you still from afar to make sure your staying in line. You and her started this team all those years ago so I know you miss her ~ tigerladylynn
Thanks for your support ~ katrhamesSC
Hi Indy, Hoping all went well with your surgery. ~ tigerladylynn
Wear it proudly my Son !!!!! ~ tunnelmom564
Cheers and happy birthday Indy ~ tigerladylynn
Here's a new bike to hold you til you can buy the one you want lol ~ tigerladylynn
Welcome to homelessshelter ~MyLeague.com
Congrats! Thank you for being a member when we launched the MyLeague Gift feature. ~MyLeague.com