High Stakes Billiard Club (hsbc)

Where the champions play


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The current leaderboard contains 17 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 ChrisBird  Diamond Member Member of this league for 7.1 years 159 33 1646 82.812% 2 5h27m 7 13.3% 8145937 96088 1 1751 14
2 MikeTaylor  39 47 1331 45.349% -4 5h27m 8 52.7% 679 2429 2 1604 4
3 VictoriaFarley  39 55 1425 41.489% -2 5h27m 6 52.5% 2173 3873 1 1539 5
4 DanielNecaise  35 52 1481 40.230% -2 5h27m 6 70.4% 695 2545 2 1514 4
5 LeslieHageman  35 40 1509 46.667% -2 5h27m 6 78.7% 1245 2585 5 1544 4
6 GeraldineBanas  2 0 1530 100.000% 2 2h27m 5 0.0% 610 610 8 1530 1
7 PaulHenson  33 59 1253 35.870% -2 2h27m 7 62.7% 397 2297 2 1550 4
8 MelanyPuckett  24 38 1285 38.710% -1 2h27m 8 47.2% 1005 1895 2 1557 5
9 EricaBird  36 62 1359 36.735% -1 2h27m 7 32.2% 1584 3434 2 1540 5
10 AprilPerales  Hot Streak 5 1 1575 83.333% 5 2h27m 12 0.0% 520 520 10 1575 4
11 DaveBanas  2 0 1530 100.000% 2 5h27m 2 0.0% 610 610 6 1530 1
12 AdelaBird  16 17 1388 48.485% 2 5h27m 8 36.4% 1161 1561 2 1638 4
13 JamesHageman  30 36 1426 45.455% 2 5h27m 6 61.9% 676 2066 2 1623 5
14 DonaldClements  30 61 1273 32.967% -1 5h27m 6 53.6% 1549 3399 1 1516 2
15 WindySeals  35 63 1301 35.714% 1 5h27m 7 48.1% 1531 3181 2 1525 4
16 RobertWilson  3 1 1553 75.000% 2 44d 2 0.0% 544 544 8 1553 1
17 StuHarvey3  Hot Streak 6 4 1578 60.000% 5 75d 7 0.0% 1534 1534 6 1578 4

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