Night Owls

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The current leaderboard contains 15 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 nospinzone5  6419 3757 1645 63.080% -1 5h28m 5 30.8% 1155360 2329151 1 1878 20
2 scorpioladyH  1028 1031 1585 49.927% 2 5h27m 3 49.8% 48752 292797 1 1750 10
3 sweetapple211  1597 2275 1501 41.245% -1 5h27m 3 59.6% 601 459426 1 1724 10
4 bootvision  4941 3453 1566 58.864% -2 5h28m 4 30.6% 891784 1394665 1 1816 15
5 frmrfbi  Diamond Member Member of this league for 5.4 years 110 122 1557 47.414% -1 5h27m 3 72.8% 173245 170355 1 1716 7
6 mezmorizd443  1329 1698 1540 43.905% -1 2d5h 3 60.4% 2315 370650 1 1710 8
7 SHAWKFAN1971  4 2 1581 66.667% 0 5d1h 4 100.0% 100 6646 4 1581 3
8 gooddonald753  2 1 1555 66.667% 0 4d10h 2 100.0% 661 861 6 1572 2
9 irishbikerbabe1  Platinum Member Member of this league for 8.3 years 474 760 1420 38.412% -1 1d5h 3 73.1% 1766126 678962 1 1705 7
10 mantaray726  75 117 1525 39.062% 0 2d16h 4 89.1% 15085 21075 1 1597 5
11 smonyx1107  2612 2667 1487 49.479% 0 2d16h 7 48.2% 1731786 1693574 1 1765 11
12 blueladyea  2347 2179 1646 51.856% 0 5d1h 4 46.4% 206271 515361 1 1787 13
13 SUPRAKEH14  1270 1673 1464 43.153% 0 2d13h 4 60.4% 3570 994291 1 1755 13
14 denns6779  11 10 1653 52.381% 0 3d19h 4 95.2% 8622 7172 3 1653 3
15 rayraywinright  6 7 1597 46.154% 0 2d10h 3 100.0% 5511 2011 6 1597 2

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