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The current leaderboard contains 14 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
2 evnsplyr97  5410 6351 1659 45.999% 0 8d 4 43.9% 1030184 1592571 1 1676 9
3 cenajohn4life  55 52 1439 51.402% 0 9d 4 74.5% 2010 38380 2 1633 5
4 ingaverb16  1742 1374 1568 55.905% 0 7d12h 3 47.6% 101509 185499 1 1773 21
5 regi917  57 44 1544 56.436% 0 7d12h 3 78.2% 1220 3710 2 1621 3
6 mablelou69  5 3 1563 62.500% 0 6d6h 2 100.0% 594 794 4 1601 2
7 cool4schoolplay  1459 1686 1475 46.391% 0 6d6h 3 66.4% 6408 84938 1 1653 9
8 mileybrittany  10 106 1067 8.621% 0 6d6h 3 98.3% 138 1698 2 1467 2
9 listy169  6313 6421 1372 49.576% 0 8d 4 37.4% 178195 1275047 1 1740 14
10 Scrubgru  4 2 1543 66.667% 0 7d21h 4 100.0% 520 620 1 1543 1
11 liljan48  4867 3985 1489 54.982% 0 5d21h 4 39.5% 172457 369818 1 1735 14
12 knightriderja  780 892 1370 46.651% 0 8d 4 70.5% 19863 45016 1 1649 11
13 beegeesfan4evr  2335 2538 1504 47.917% 0 17d 4 53.8% 90892 192391 1 1678 9
14 shirashadow835  426 480 1463 47.020% 0 7d6h 5 87.0% 4765 10050 1 1614 10
15 deebs101  2037 1470 1694 58.084% 0 7d21h 3 51.7% 411197 209117 1 1743 12

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