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The current leaderboard contains 16 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 ALONDRA  Gold Member 1 0 1527 100.000% 0 1d1h 8 0.0% 12235242 4770 12 1527 0
2 LUCIERNAGA  545 418 2178 56.594% 0 19h 9 51.7% 43376 133326 1 2343 9
3 LUNA  269 249 2093 51.931% 0 19h 10 36.4% 28171 86771 1 2210 6
4 chucky1  988 1082 2055 47.730% 0 19h 8 76.6% 8151 230951 3 3921 7
5 wapita13  342 242 2026 58.562% 0 1d22h 8 66.7% 30417 85777 1 2342 12
6 feita10  353 239 2080 59.628% 1 7h10m 8 59.0% 26036 82596 1 2363 7
7 estrella10  571 453 2220 55.762% 0 7h10m 9 37.0% 23235 118945 1 2288 8
8 Ladiosadelmar  1152 1479 1922 43.786% 0 1d1h 9 60.4% 453 259153 1 3816 7
9 Ojitos  373 223 2328 62.584% 0 7h10m 8 69.1% 35942 82742 2 2334 9
10 SWEET  374 209 2180 64.151% 0 7h10m 8 68.6% 143425 192635 1 2370 11
11 Brillo_de_luna  336 204 2171 62.222% 0 16h 9 64.9% 40255 86515 2 2378 9
12 FLOR  518 440 2208 54.071% 0 231d 9 51.7% 22270 112250 1 2366 11
13 PERLA  507 323 2307 61.084% 0 7h10m 9 51.9% 66778 146538 1 2334 8
14 Obet  Cold Streak 1840 4533 1926 28.872% -7 7h10m 11 21.4% 9955993 9104505 1 3023 6
15 WAPITOS1  46 49 2037 48.421% 0 281d 9 81.1% 5442 15742 6 2167 5
16 ROMY  92 49 2173 65.248% 0 2d1h 9 73.8% 20663 34063 3 2381 6

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