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The current leaderboard contains 15 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 TUR_Winner_  2851 2966 1589 49.011% -1 3d23h 21 37.7% 11950 10950 1 1701 11
2 LAT_pipo1  572 362 1612 61.242% 1 2d2h 19 70.4% 2739 1739 1 1728 9
3 Abby  106 96 1308 52.475% 0 2d2h 25 88.0% 2255 1255 1 1509 7
4 _Antoinette_  278 221 1583 55.711% 0 23h 22 33.3% 8670 8670 1 1686 7
5 exotic2  84 129 1475 39.437% 3 23h 11 0.0% 4790 4790 1 1607 6
6 BAA_GammonQueen  712 1241 1549 36.457% 2 5h29m 20 57.9% 16121 15121 1 1634 6
7 eu_it_fabry74  119 92 1566 56.398% 0 1d20h 19 0.0% 1860 1860 1 1641 6
8 Darling_Maven  1373 3275 1333 29.540% 1 23h 29 41.7% 29340 28340 1 1539 6
9 AIM_Summer  Diamond Member Member of this league for 4.1 years 5 5 1537 50.000% 0 23h 18 0.0% 329534 10680 11 1537 0
10 _1_lil_redhd  2044 1501 1551 57.659% -1 5h29m 26 44.5% 19514 18514 1 1722 13
11 BRs_Luiz_RS  1258 1158 1594 52.069% 0 5d11h 18 40.0% 16590 16590 1 1756 13
12 Pomps  1 3 1440 25.000% 0 5d20h 10 0.0% 590 590 12 1465 0
13 hsook  260 155 1641 62.651% 0 20h 14 0.0% 6100 6100 1 1676 9
14 keytagal  22 25 1344 46.809% 0 11h29m 10 0.0% 930 930 5 1560 3
15 cindybel  1327 1004 1602 56.928% 0 20h 26 61.1% 27642 26642 1 1775 15

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