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The current leaderboard contains 17 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 FLOBOYPA  Hot Streak 8545 4293 1652 66.560% 7 9d 7 21.0% 1055972 2156174 1 1822 19
2 loveangel961955  635 563 1688 53.005% -1 8d 6 66.8% 21768 51378 1 1728 14
3 RJsOldie  574 534 1546 51.805% 1 6d16h 5 53.2% 40201 74401 1 1691 8
4 jrsylisa  325 444 1429 42.263% -1 9d 5 59.2% 8484 27444 1 1644 8
5 lilypickles1  1248 1084 1614 53.516% 3 8d 6 61.2% 31717 96917 1 1696 11
6 bonesking1  3 1 1534 75.000% 0 1h28m 4 100.0% 1080 680 8 1553 3
7 raceboy613  425 483 1586 46.806% 0 1h28m 6 81.5% 15901 37911 2 1692 10
8 debby12345780  49 52 1386 48.515% 0 9d 3 65.3% 984 3584 1 1759 11
9 Micmon224  Platinum Member Member of this league for 10.0 years 6587 10917 1541 37.631% 2 1h28m 7 50.1% 1235612 1993362 1 1643 10
10 HollandBinky  11 3 1644 78.571% 0 21d 3 100.0% 6778 7178 2 1644 4
11 CRAZYTIMEGAL  1683 1614 1500 51.046% 0 20d 5 44.6% 33492 122492 1 1700 15
12 jeff179120  Gold Member Member of this league for 5.9 years 3893 2828 1711 57.923% 0 9d 5 26.3% 350391 527221 1 1764 18
13 Georgia751  1299 1502 1333 46.376% 0 20d 7 63.5% 802675 868274 1 1718 14
14 alf49449  270 338 1372 44.408% 0 1h28m 4 65.5% 8535 23555 1 1655 7
15 racegirl613  1077 1834 1357 36.998% 0 9d 6 69.9% 59577 139207 1 1580 8
16 pops2u4now  Diamond Member Member of this league for 10.4 years 755 471 1601 61.582% 0 2196d 9 62.9% 4576 205192 1 1857 12
17 Oliwalls  15 7 1565 68.182% 0 267d 6 90.9% 13333 4333 6 1675 4

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