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The current leaderboard contains 16 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 geezamashy  1448 1256 1753 53.550% -1 8h18m 2 49.2% 29649 98819 1 2163 13
2 Jon  7783 6956 1705 52.806% 3 8h18m 3 43.8% 652020 2866564 1 1999 18
3 gerrylove1  Platinum Member Member of this league for 8.5 years 14794 3907 2412 79.108% -2 8h18m 3 19.0% 6358920 10255443 1 2471 127
4 Eddi3s  45 291 1166 13.393% -2 8h18m 3 88.7% 4853 15923 3 1499 1
5 gerald  1450 8373 663 14.761% -1 1d8h 3 84.5% 5860 266223 1 1470 13
6 Angie  Cold Streak 829 3512 734 19.097% -5 1d8h 3 78.5% 14319 159319 1 1677 15
7 jonathon571  3 8 1411 27.273% 0 5d15h 4 100.0% 1472 1872 9 1470 1
8 Clubberjoe62  47 38 1539 55.294% 0 5d15h 3 80.0% 26119 23569 2 1771 6
9 rickfrommontreal  2504 3220 1715 43.746% 0 3d6h 3 55.7% 26671 185641 1 1863 11
10 fishfinder1  8 20 1495 28.571% 0 3d15h 2 100.0% 1126 1126 3 1558 1
11 Tinhead  267 236 1665 53.081% 0 8d 3 72.2% 42120 46820 1 1766 6
12 bubbalee1234  377 336 1859 52.875% 0 21h 2 49.5% 5828 23158 1 2105 8
13 BobSutman  4 6 1586 40.000% 0 1d9h 3 90.0% 1581 781 4 1587 1
14 boomer  8 1 1608 88.889% 0 5d12h 7 83.3% 5832 1032 7 1608 3
15 Theo  86 192 912 30.935% 0 5d12h 4 69.8% 1112 5812 1 1533 5
16 Link.Reflog  4 4 1585 50.000% 0 178d 2 100.0% 2622 822 3 1593 2

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