A League Of Their Own
League Calculators
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Awarded to Players that have competed in 1000 laddergames
Awarded to Players that have competed in 5000 laddergames
Awarded to Players that have competed in 10000 laddergames
Awarded to Players that have competed in 20000 laddergames
Top 10 Ladder player at some point in career
Ranked #1 on Ladder
10 Game Win Streak
20 Game Win Streak
30 Game Win Streak
50 Game Win Streak
TD Ribbon
Head TD Ribbon
TD Manager Ribbon
TD - 500 tournaments hosted
TD - 1000 tournaments hosted
TD - 2000 tournaments hosted
TD - 3000 tournaments hosted
TD - 4000 tournaments hosted
TD - 5000 tournaments hosted
1000 ladder games won
2500 Ladder Wins
5000 Ladder Wins
7500 Ladder Wins
10000 Ladder Wins
60% win average with 500+ games played
70% win percentage with 500+ games played
80% win average with 500+ games played
60% tourney win average with 500+ tourney games played
70% tourney win average with 500+ tourney games played
80% tourney win average with 500+ tourney games played
Has 25 Tournament Victories
Has 100 Tournament Victories
Has 250 Tournament Victories
Has 500 Tournament Victories
250 Tournament Wins
500 Tournament Wins
1000 Tournament Wins
2500 Tournament Wins
5000 Tournament Wins
Awarded to Players after 1 year on their Ladder/League
Awarded to Players after 2 years on their Ladder/League
Awarded to Players after 3 years on their Ladder/League
Awarded to Players after 4 years on their Ladder/League
Awarded to Players after 5 years on their Ladder/League
Competed in 100 Tournaments
Competed in 500 Tournaments
Competed in 1000 Tournaments
Competed in 1500 Tournaments
Competed in 2000 Tournaments
Competed in 2500 Tournaments
Competed in 3000 Tournaments
Awarded to Players who have obtained a 1700 Skill Rating with at least 500 games played
Awarded to Players who have obtained a 1800 Skill Rating with at least 500 games played
Awarded to Players who have obtained a 1900 Skill Rating with at least 500 games played
Awarded to Players who have obtained a 2000 Skill Rating with at least 500 games played
10 Big Tournament Victories
25 Big Tournament Victories
50 Big Tournament Victories
75 Big Tournament Victories
100 Big Tournament Victories

Awarded to those players who are excellent representatives of Case's Ladder and always a great example to others on how to conduct oneself during ladder and tournament competition. Awarded to those players who are always more than willing to help out a Tournament Director and keep chaotic situations in order. Awarded to those players who have won a 'Tournament of Champions'. Awarded to those players who have won a 'Battle of the Sexes' tournament. Battle of the Leagues Medal

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Tournament Time EDT
Now playing at Pogo
League Admins
Toothache066 (Head Admin)  
Bcsndr123 (CO-HA) ~ (Floater Fill In DCR When Available)  
Billkim22 (CO-HA) ~ (Helping With Night Time DCR Fill When Needed If Available)  
Gamelover053 (CO-HA) ~ (Perm Spots & Floater For DCR When Needed & Helping With Stats)  
Ingham21player (CO-HA) ~ ( In Charge Of Schedule Make Sure Tours Are Set & Night Time Trainer)  
Kimmyb19701 (CO-HA) ~ Rule Checker - Let Tooth Know Rules Are Not On The Host Pages)  
Justin6128_ (CO-HA) ~ (Perm Spots & Fill In Host In DCR As Needed)  
Missfroggy8113 (CO-HA) ~ (Welcome Letters & Idle Letters & Bowling, Gin & Tri-Peaks Trainer)  
Soohoo39 (CO-HA) ~ (In Charge Of All Schedule Changes)  
Terrany (SENIOR ADMIN) ~ (In Charge Of Cases Arcade)  
Whatsit2u75 (CO-HA) ~ (Evening DCR Trainer & Guidelines & Rules)  
Dagmarcarlo (SENIOR ADMIN) ~ (In Charge Of All Canasta & Trainer)  
Gomichstate16 (SENIOR ADMIN) ~ (Post Final BTS Score In The BTS Chat)  
Jetta42111 (SENIOR ADMIN) ~ (Tour Mover & Oversees Spin Bingo At Night)  
Mrpepsi55555 (SENIOR ADMIN) ~ (Activation)  
H2OTessie (ADMIN) ~ (Posting Birthdays In Chat Box & In Charge Of Bowling Changes)  
TyzBaybGrl8522 (SENIOR ADMIN) ~ (Open Check Ins)  
Jnobles309 (JNR ADMIN) ~ (Help Fill In Host On Days Off When Can)  
Footballchick874 (JNR ADMIN) ~ (In Charge Of Making Sure TOC & BOA Medals Are Given Out)  
Krazegirl73 (JNR ADMIN) ~ (Help With Stats)  
Lovebaby8_1999 (JNR ADMIN) ~ (Activation)  
Pens71Steelers7 (JNR ADMIN) ~ (Help With Making Sure Tours Are Going As Needed)  
Sweetheart1207 (JNR ADMIN) ~ (Double Check To Make Sure Checkins Are Open)  
TrueBadBoy4Lyfe (JNR ADMIN) ~ (Help Fill In With Late Time Spots In DCR When Available)  
League Tips
Your password, especially Admin passwords should never be shared with anyone.
Tournament Director
Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!