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The current leaderboard contains 14 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 AntonioHM  Hot Streak 8923 5235 1641 63.024% 8 7h9m 15 21.0% 163227 311709 1 1870 20
2 cayse2  Cold Streak 5683 6490 1573 46.685% -8 7h9m 16 35.9% 17028 693573 1 1773 11
3 bugsy18150  3 2 1540 60.000% 0 4d21h 1 0.0% 600 600 4 1540 2
4 canthelpme  Diamond Member Member of this league for 2.8 years 60 51 1553 54.054% 1 4d6h 6 0.0% 59986 54890 3 1620 4
5 Georgegate  51 60 1454 45.946% -1 4d6h 6 0.0% 1620 1620 3 1550 3
6 AgentMayaPooh07  1030 1333 1454 43.589% 1 3d3h 11 54.1% 382 97735 1 1699 12
7 madonna1112  3 3 1537 50.000% 0 2d12h 3 100.0% 470 530 5 1562 1
8 SnapesWench  3321 3455 1590 49.011% 1 6h28m 12 47.6% 39827 203834 1 1769 10
9 tapers02  Diamond Member Member of this league for 16.7 years 4 4 1549 50.000% 0 4d6h 14 100.0% 2260 9816 36 1549 2
10 ladyhawk54  7 13 1489 35.000% 0 3d3h 3 84.2% 270 530 1 1511 1
11 AnyTwo  1635 1236 1709 56.949% 0 4d3h 22 47.8% 30826 106069 1 1825 21
12 WESTIE13  11 12 1591 47.826% 0 4d0h 2 66.7% 671 951 1 1644 4
13 Gremlin63  100 102 1573 49.505% 0 6h28m 3 75.2% 8152 9892 1 1734 5
14 longmark  1745 1599 1573 52.183% 0 3h28m 17 59.2% 29002 71276 1 1749 11

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