The Mountain Dogs

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Rank  (To find unranked users, use the filter 'Rank is 0')

The current leaderboard contains 10 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 crystal_delight  2 0 1552 100.000% 2 8d 2 100.0% 700 750 4 1552 2
2 slottykathy  2 2 1492 50.000% 1 6d6h 4 25.0% 1310 1410 3 1527 1
3 precious10655  Platinum Member 4 0 1594 100.000% 4 8d 3 75.0% 57780 1920 3 1594 4
4 tigerp4  Gold Member Hot Streak 21 3 1720 87.500% 5 4d6h 4 41.7% 7610 19180 1 1720 11
5 tommyp58  5 5 1495 50.000% 1 4d6h 3 70.0% 210 860 2 1530 2
6 linda19520721  4 4 1514 50.000% -1 1d0h 4 62.5% 590 860 3 1593 3
7 packrat1960  5 8 1446 38.462% -1 7d0h 3 53.8% 20 820 2 1530 3
8 darookie66  6 15 1368 28.571% -3 1d0h 4 47.6% 6168 7138 1 1470 2
9 pugs5  6 18 1330 25.000% -4 4d6h 4 41.7% 2360 3060 1 1500 2
10 moda53  7 7 1489 50.000% -1 4d6h 4 50.0% 2000 2570 3 1531 2

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