Panther Spades League

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The current leaderboard contains 11 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 PantherBratt  62 103 1406 37.576% 0 4d23h 4 56.2% 7877 15590 1 1550 6
2 Panther_Zazu  12 9 1513 57.143% 0 3d8h 3 42.1% 1525 875 2 1606 3
3 PSL_SCMnumberOne  34 15 1710 69.388% 0 2d23h 4 59.2% 12253 12153 1 1710 3
4 PantherToy  23 10 1579 69.697% 0 5d23h 4 65.6% 2925 2875 2 1727 5
5 PantherLetsTango  42 19 1545 68.853% 0 2d17h 4 25.4% 3441 4091 1 1705 6
6 PantherSassy1  87 97 1528 47.283% 0 1d23h 4 45.3% 15462 18912 1 1554 5
7 Pantherdonna782  23 36 1305 38.983% 0 1d23h 4 45.8% 4790 3680 1 1560 4
8 PSL_CrazyD  1 1 1485 50.000% 0 1d23h 2 100.0% 510 610 7 1515 1
9 Panther_AKSun  2 1 1508 66.667% 0 6d23h 4 100.0% 1420 520 6 1527 1
10 PSL_Dragon  Diamond Member Member of this league for 1.5 years 57 73 1365 43.846% 0 1d23h 4 60.9% 54999 37030 1 1525 2
11 PSLPALM  8 6 1452 57.143% 0 3d23h 3 92.9% 3600 1400 3 1624 2

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