Super Canastas (sc)

Rules and Policies
The Ranking System!

MyLeague has one of the simplest ranking systems ever used for competitive play. The concept was adopted from the ranking system used on the official Case's Ladders. We call it a "Ladder" because each member holds a unique rank or "rung" that represents their standing among other members. The highest-ranked member holds the #1 Ladder position; for example, someone ranked #2 is ranked below the #1 member. The goal is to "climb" the Ladder all the way to the top!

  • When you first join, you are placed in an "Unranked" category on the League.
  • You become "Ranked" after winning your first League match. (Unranked members may play each other, and the winner becomes ranked at the bottom of the League.)
  • When you defeat a higher-ranked member, you move up in rank 100% the distance between their rank and your own.
    • Example: If you are ranked #50 and you beat the #1 ranked member, then your new rank would be 50.
  • Your rank on the League does not go down if you lose a match unless your opponent is ranked DIRECTLY below you.
    • Example: If you are ranked #5 and the #6 ranked member defeats you, then your new rank would be #6.
  • When members ranked below you are victorious against members ranked above you, it's possible the member will jump over you in rank and you will move down one rung. This depends on the ranks involved.
    • Example(per 50% rank gain): You are currently ranked #7. If the #10 ranked member defeats the #1 ranked member, then #10 will advance to the #5 rung and you will fall to the #8 rung.

Account Rules

  • League Names
    • If your League name is deemed offensive or contains profanity, your account may be removed.
    • If your League name is deemed abusive towards another member, your account may be removed.
    • You can edit your League name by using the 'My Account' tab and choosing the 'Edit Username' option. If you have problems changing your League name, please use the 'Contact Admin' link, located on the 'Support' tab.
  • E-mail Address
    • Your E-mail address must be kept current at all times, in case you need to be contacted. You can use the 'Edit E-mail Address' link on the 'My Account' tab to edit your E-mail address.
  • Password Security
    • You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password.
    • You are not permitted to share your password with anyone for any reason.
  • Inactivity
    • In order to keep the League as dynamic as possible, your account will be automatically deleted if you are inactive for 365 days. However, one of the features of our Premium Membership Program is never being deleted for inactivity. Information regarding our Premium Membership Program can be found here.
  • Multiple Accounts
    • Only one account is allowed per person. There are no exceptions to this rule.
    • It is forbidden for more than one person to use or share the same account.
    • Multiple accounts from the same location will be investigated and possibly removed.


Note: Please consult the Admin staff regarding whether or not League challenges are permitted for this League.

A challenge is defined as a request for a match with a higher-ranked member. Whether you are the challenger or the one being challenged, there are some rules that must be followed. Violating these rules may result in penalties. If you notice anyone violating these rules, please contact the Admin staff.

  • Chat
    • The best way to find League matches is to announce in chat that you are looking for a League match so that other members will know you are interested in League-play. You can also directly challenge a specific member in chat.
  • Formal Challenges
    • Most Leagues permit the use of Formal Challenges. A complete overview of the Formal Challenge system can be found here.
  • 2 time(s) Per Day
    • You may play the same member 2 time(s) per day. However, you may play as many different members as you would like on any given day. A "MyLeague" day begins at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time.
  • Verify Information
    • We recommend you ensure a potential opponent is also a member of the League before starting your match. You can do this very easily by searching for your opponent using the 'Search for Players' tool.

Playing a Match

Once you are ready to start playing a League match, there are some guidelines governing game play that you should keep in mind.

  • Opponents
    • You are not allowed to report losses to another member that also plays from the same computer as you. Our security software will detect this activity if it is attempted, and participating accounts may be penalized or removed.
  • Sportsmanship
    • The same rules that apply to behavior in chat (covered in a later section) also apply during matches.

Reporting the Match

Once your match is completed, the loser of the match is responsible for reporting the loss immediately. You can report your matches using the 'Report Loss' button located on the 'Standings' tab. Please note the 'Report Loss' link should only be used for League matches and not for tournament matches; you should consult the TD with any questions regarding reporting tournament matches. If you have any problems reporting a loss, you should contact the Admin staff and request assistance.

  • Reporting the Loss
    • In one-on-one matches, the loser of the match reports the loss to the winner.
    • In partner matches, each member of the losing team reports a loss to both partners of the winning team. At the end of the match, you would either gain two wins or report two losses.
    • In "free for all" matches (matches in which multiple opponents are competing against each other without partners), each loser of the match must report a loss to one overall winner.
    • When playing matches with more than one opponent, it is important for losses to be reported in the proper order if rank will be affected by the order of report. You must report to the better-ranked opponent first in those cases. It is your responsibility to make sure you report in the correct order when necessary. Not doing so may result in penalty.
  • Unreported Matches
    • If your opponent does not report their loss within one hour after completing the match or prior to starting another match, you should click on the "Contact Admin" link and then use the "Unreported Match" form.


The rules for a Tournament are determined by the Tournament Director hosting the event. You will find a summary of each individual Tournament, including a Rules page, if you follow the link for that specific Tournament.

League-Specific Rules


    1. Los jugadores deber�n estar en la mesa principal 5 minutos antes del torneo.

    2. Un jugador no puede registrar en un torneo a mas de 3 personas (incluido a si mismo) ya que esto ocasionar� problemas al momento del cierre del mismo.

    3. Si por alguna raz�n no va a poder jugar el torneo, avisar al TD. organizador antes del cierre de registros, para ser borrado del mismo.

    4. Solo el TD organizador podr� escribir en may�sculas. Esto es solo para poder distinguirlo.

    5. Solo podr�n escribir en may�scula los dem�s jugadores para hacer un anuncio importante o para reportar un juego.

    6. Los espectadores en una mesa del torneo no podr�n alentar a un solo equipo o jugador.

    7. Todos los TD realizan esta labor de organizar torneos sin recibir nada a cambio, por lo que se le agradece a los jugadores demostrarles el respeto que se merecen.

    8. Se agradece a los jugadores no hablar al TD organizador por el privado, y solo por msn yahoo en caso de algo estrictamente necesario.

    9. El nick o apodo del jugador de la liga debe coincidir exactamente con el del jugador del torneo. En caso de no poder entrar con el NICK registrado en la liga, hay que informar al TD antes del comienzo del torneo, y solo podr� jugar ese torneo, al finalizarlo tendr� que cambiar su Nick en la liga. Los NICKS nuevos registrados en la liga deben tener un m�nimo de 1450 puntos y un m�nimo de 15 partidas jugadas. Para cambiarse el NICK o modificarlo deber� pasar un m�nimo de una semana, a no ser que Yahoo te lo haya suspendido

    10. En un torneo 1 x 1, si un jugador se cae o abandona la partida, este perder� por default a los 10 minutos, igualmente si se cae tres (3) veces, perder� la partida.

    11. En un juego de parejas, si un jugador se cae durante la ejecuci�n de un juego, el TD debe buscar un comod�n (perteneciente a la liga) que lo reemplace, igualmente el comod�n, le ceder� el puesto al titular cuando regrese. En caso de que el torneo sea de parejas escogidas, si un jugador cae, el compa�ero tiene derecho a escoger quien ser� su comod�n.

    12. En caso de que no est� el equipo en la mesa del torneo, al momento de dar juegos, se esperaran 10 minutos, y perder�an por default.

    13. En el caso de que se caigan los dos titulares, o habiendo comenzado el juego uno solo de ellos, dos comodines pueden continuar el juego hasta terminarlo �nica y exclusivamente, pero estos (comodines) no tendr�an derecho a continuar en el desarrollo del torneo, por la falta de uno de los titulares, excepto si uno de los titulares es uno de los comodines (laxmi o trppck). Los comodines ser�n elegidos por el TD, a no ser que un jugador anotado al torneo haya perdido por equivocaci�n de su compa�ero, en este caso ese jugador pasara a tener derecho a ser comod�n.

    14. Si un jugador registrado para un torneo, llegase tarde al mismo, y en su lugar hubiese comenzado el juego un comod�n, este �ltimo tiene el derecho a continuar el juego y el resto del torneo si as� lo desea.

    15. En un torneo de parejas, si un jugador se cae tres (3) veces, el TD buscar� un comod�n que subir� en su lugar para terminar el juego, en caso de que su compa sea un comod�n, estos pueden continuar el juego hasta terminarlo �nica y exclusivamente, pero estos (comodines) no tendr�an derecho a continuar en el desarrollo del torneo, por la falta de uno de los titulares, excepto si uno de los titulares es uno de los comodines (laxmi o trppck).

    16. El primer jugador o equipo nombrado por el TD ser� el encargado de abrir mesa, e invitar� en primer lugar al TD organizador, luego a los dem�s jugadores de ese juego, no deben comenzar hasta que el TD haya dado visto bueno a la mesa, y pase las reglas de la modalidad.

    17. El primer jugador o equipo nombrado tendr� derecho a escoger color, este derecho se perder� autom�ticamente en caso de que llegue tarde a la mesa del torneo.

    18. Mientras est�s jugando en un torneo, est� estrictamente prohibido jugar en otra mesa de juego (de cualquier sala) a la vez. Esto ocasiona retraso en el mismo y perjudica a tu compa�ero. En caso de que un jugador sea sorprendido jugando en 2 mesas a la vez ser� sancionado con d�as de suspensi�n, seg�n lo que el TD convenga.

    19. No est� permitido jugar hasta dos torneos simult�neamente, de notar que un jugador se ha registrado en un segundo torneo, sin haber terminado en el otro, ser� removido del mismo inmediatamente por el TD.

    20. Un jugador no podr� renunciar al torneo 2 x 2, para comenzar otro torneo, debe continuar en el que esta participando.

    21. En los partidos en pareja se proh�be a los jugadores hacer comentarios acerca del juego. Tampoco podr� darle indicaciones o estrategias a seguir a su compa�ero en la modalidad que juegan en el torneo.

    22. Si el TD se cae durante el torneo, se quedara a cargo del mismo cualquiera de los otros TD.

    23. Esta terminantemente prohibido ver manos en las mesas del torneo. El jugador deber� quitar tilde en la casilla ense�ar manos.

    24. Tanto en torneos al azar o de parejas escogidas, el �ltimo jugador en registrarse al azar o en AUTOTEAM y que quede en n�mero impar en los registros ser� borrado autom�ticamente del torneo.

    25. No se permitir�n agresiones, faltas de respeto, insultos, ni discriminaciones, hacia ning�n jugador o TD de la liga. En caso de sentir que alg�n miembro de la liga nos est� molestando, debemos recurrir a un TD para que �ste intervenga y solucione el problema. La soluci�n de los inconvenientes ocurridos entre los participantes de la liga, se har� en una mesa privada, donde estar�n los implicados y el TD. Las faltas de respeto, agresiones, insultos, uso de vocabulario incorrecto.

    26. No ser� tolerado el juego poco din�mico. En caso de que suceda esto, el otro jugador le avisar� al TD del torneo, qui�n llamar� como m�ximo, 3 (tres) veces la atenci�n al participante que est� jugando lento. Si el juego sigue demorado, qui�n haya ejercido juego lento, perder� el partido.

    27. Cualquier duda o inconveniente debe ser consultada al TD organizador, el cual ser� el �nico en buscar la soluci�n apropiada.

    28. Cuando un comod�n gana varios juegos y gana el torneo est� en su derecho de solicitar le sea editado el mismo a su favor (siempre y cuando gane el torneo) y cuando un comod�n pierde se queda tal como esta.

    29. En caso de surgir alg�n inconveniente no contemplado en este reglamento, quedar� a responsabilidad del TD organizador de resolverlo a su propio criterio.

    30. El no cumplimento del reglamento, podr�n dar lugar a la suspensi�n del jugador.

    Top Ten

    The purpose of the League is to climb to the top and the competition for the rungs in the Top Ten is high. As such, we have special rules that apply for members in the Top Ten.

    • Inactivity
      • Members in the Top Ten must play a League match at least once every 255 days; otherwise, you will be automatically dropped five rungs and your inactivity counter is reset. There are no exceptions to this rule.

    Expected Behavior

    As a member of MyLeague, you are representing the League, the Admin staff, and all other members when you are participating on a MyLeague. It's part of your responsibility as a member to act in a respectable manner within your League community.

    • Avatars
      • The rules of common decency should be followed when uploading images to use as avatars. Inappropriate avatars may be removed without warning or notification.
    • Cheating
      • If you believe your opponent is cheating, then you should contact the Admin staff.
    • Abuse
      • It is forbidden to abuse or harass another League member.
      • It is important to remember that two wrongs do not make a right. If you are being harassed by another League member, contact the Admin staff for assistance. Do not take matters into your own hands or return the abuse, or you could be penalized as well.
    • Nice Guy Rule
      • Please note that behavior guidelines govern all methods of communication. This includes chat, E-mail, message forums, instant messenger services, etc. Treat other members with respect!

    Fill in the Blank

    Although we have tried to be as detailed as possible, we can't cover every aspect of gaming in our rules. Please be advised that just because something is not stated in our rules and policies, then that does not mean it is allowed. Use common sense. If it is something that will adversely affect other members and you might think twice about it, then it's probably against the rules. The Admin staff will have the final say in such matters. If you have a specific question please feel free to contact us via E-mail.
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