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The current leaderboard contains 14 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 Zazu  1432 516 1649 73.511% -2 5h4m 5 32.7% 82947 63617 1 1814 35
2 MaidenBaker  509 875 1641 36.778% 4 5h4m 3 54.2% 25096 20166 1 1676 9
3 dragonstar125  Diamond Member 12 15 1600 44.444% 4 5h4m 3 90.0% 49580 7480 3 1600 4
4 DaZaReA  1741 638 1659 73.182% -2 5h4m 5 11.9% 118986 81856 1 1933 33
5 meepamypa  Cold Streak 716 1208 1503 37.214% -8 5h4m 4 47.1% 60194 29814 1 1703 11
6 LillAngel  Diamond Member Member of this league for 3.5 years 510 617 1527 45.253% -4 1d6h 3 58.2% 812904 201214 1 1741 12
7 leewit2  Cold Streak 183 221 1412 45.297% -6 5h4m 3 66.7% 18198 17098 2 1716 7
8 Annissia  Cold Streak 371 854 1516 30.286% -8 5h4m 3 71.1% 22114 18514 1 1686 8
11 Lady4God  88 86 1446 50.575% 0 6d6h 4 53.4% 9290 14650 1 1834 12
12 brattypanther  4 4 1580 50.000% 0 6d3h 4 100.0% 765 1115 4 1580 4
13 pdonna782  53 165 1345 24.312% -2 5h4m 3 92.7% 3748 2048 2 1543 4
14 CRAZYD51  3 10 1485 23.077% 0 5d15h 3 100.0% 152970 1570 6 1485 3
15 Dynfont  6 4 1556 60.000% 0 3d0h 3 0.0% 1534 534 2 1564 3
16 kathy_2_all  13 27 1525 32.500% 0 6d0h 4 84.4% 390 1540 4 1620 4

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