Tarzanz Jungle
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********* Announcements *********

The Staff of Tarzanz Jungle wish you and yours a year filled with hope, promise and love. We also would like to thank all our members, for maintaining a league filled with the greatest sportsmanship a league could ever ask for. As many have stated, our league is our family. We come together, to have fun, and enjoy each others company. Along the way, we have come to care, and sincerely love one another. Brian, Bee, Cookie, Larry, Terri, Paul, David, Pete, Dan and Jim.




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All the members of Tarzanz Jungle

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Today on tarzanz (Gaming Safari)
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avatar samsmack53  Show your appreciation for samsmack53 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 1
Member Since: 06/02/2015
avatar DAVIDHART  Show your appreciation for DAVIDHART by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 2
Member Since: 09/25/2014
avatar pearlztarzan13  Show your appreciation for pearlztarzan13 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 3
Member Since: 09/16/2014
avatar jaykayhansom  Show your appreciation for jaykayhansom by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 4
Member Since: 01/23/2021
avatar paulb  Show your appreciation for paulb by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 5
Member Since: 01/07/2015
avatar thefab1offour  Gold Member Member of this league for 9.7 years
Rank: 6
Member Since: 10/23/2014
avatar rojo57  Show your appreciation for rojo57 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 7
Member Since: 08/30/2019
avatar Clemente131  Show your appreciation for Clemente131 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 8
Member Since: 06/04/2021
avatar buckfeverooi  Show your appreciation for buckfeverooi by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 9
Member Since: 10/14/2014
avatar Phred  Show your appreciation for Phred by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 10
Member Since: 02/11/2016
avatar pinlover62  Show your appreciation for pinlover62 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 11
Member Since: 03/14/2022
avatar bigganga  Gold Member Member of this league for 9.5 years
Rank: 12
Member Since: 01/27/2015
avatar Marigold  Show your appreciation for Marigold by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 13
Member Since: 03/08/2021
avatar jelly2pnb  Show your appreciation for jelly2pnb by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 14
Member Since: 02/23/2019
avatar mongoose122958  Diamond Member Member of this league for 8.7 years
Rank: 15
Member Since: 11/04/2015
avatar rsh89506  Gold Member Member of this league for 6.4 years
Rank: 16
Member Since: 02/17/2018
avatar bonitadclaw  Show your appreciation for bonitadclaw by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 17
Member Since: 04/08/2015
avatar rags  Show your appreciation for rags by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 18
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avatar NANBERT9970  Show your appreciation for NANBERT9970 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 19
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Rank: 20
Member Since: 09/28/2014
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avatar sara1990  Show your appreciation for sara1990 by gifting them a premium membership.
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avatar myplayground  Show your appreciation for myplayground by gifting them a premium membership.
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avatar elaine4funnn  Show your appreciation for elaine4funnn by gifting them a premium membership.
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avatar AnaheimAllStar  Show your appreciation for AnaheimAllStar by gifting them a premium membership.
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avatar robinhood11968  Show your appreciation for robinhood11968 by gifting them a premium membership.
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avatar Lefty1503  Show your appreciation for Lefty1503 by gifting them a premium membership.
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avatar bidorelse  Show your appreciation for bidorelse by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 25
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avatar pearlztarzan13  Show your appreciation for pearlztarzan13 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 5
Member Since: 09/16/2014
avatar NANBERT9970  Show your appreciation for NANBERT9970 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 19
Member Since: 09/23/2014
avatar DAVIDHART  Show your appreciation for DAVIDHART by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 2
Member Since: 09/25/2014
avatar l_12marilyn31  Show your appreciation for l_12marilyn31 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 20
Member Since: 09/28/2014
avatar buckfeverooi  Show your appreciation for buckfeverooi by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 9
Member Since: 10/14/2014
avatar thefab1offour  Gold Member Member of this league for 9.7 years
Rank: 6
Member Since: 10/23/2014
avatar a_second_mom  Gold Member Member of this league for 9.7 years
Rank: 34
Member Since: 10/25/2014
avatar paulb  Show your appreciation for paulb by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 4
Member Since: 01/07/2015
avatar angelz8k  Platinum Member Member of this league for 9.5 years
Rank: 22
Member Since: 01/08/2015
avatar bigganga  Gold Member Member of this league for 9.5 years
Rank: 12
Member Since: 01/27/2015
avatar pitmanor1  Platinum Member Member of this league for 9.4 years
Rank: 32
Member Since: 03/02/2015
avatar bonitadclaw  Show your appreciation for bonitadclaw by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 17
Member Since: 04/08/2015
avatar SIXTYSROCK2000  Show your appreciation for SIXTYSROCK2000 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 21
Member Since: 05/16/2015
avatar samsmack53  Show your appreciation for samsmack53 by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 1
Member Since: 06/02/2015
avatar mongoose122958  Diamond Member Member of this league for 8.7 years
Rank: 15
Member Since: 11/04/2015
avatar Phred  Show your appreciation for Phred by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 10
Member Since: 02/11/2016
avatar rsh89506  Gold Member Member of this league for 6.4 years
Rank: 16
Member Since: 02/17/2018
avatar jelly2pnb  Show your appreciation for jelly2pnb by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 14
Member Since: 02/23/2019
avatar teapea76  Diamond Member Member of this league for 5.3 years
Rank: Not Ranked!
Member Since: 03/15/2019
avatar Mo_BassnGal  Show your appreciation for Mo_BassnGal by gifting them a premium membership.
Rank: 33
Member Since: 06/15/2019
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League Admins
pearlztarzan13 (Head Admin)  
snoopydoo (BEE)  




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We would love to have you host for us. Please contact one of our friendly staff members to find out how. Or fill out a application found under the tournament tab.

To fill out a TD application.

LadderBux Redemptions
1 TD Donation (5000)
1 TD Donation (5000)
1 TD Donation (5000)
Set of Three Beach Theme Prints (191525)
1 TD Donation (5000)

Over $4,854,350.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
Click here to view available prizes!




Good Sportsmanship is NOT an option! It is a given! Rudeness will be treated first with a warning, and IF needed more severe Sanctions.
We come to the Jungle to relax, play some pinochle, and hopefully have fun!
DRAMA will NOT be tolerated by anyone! This is the first and Final warning!


Cheating is defined as using any form of communication, to tell your p what to do, whether by phone, messenger, and to include tells, and/or shout outs. Using these methods, leaves our members at an unfair disadvantage. If proven, you will be automatically, removed from the league! This is the final warning!


When pairings are announced, the first person called will set a table, and announce the table number in the lobby.
All players will make sure the boxes (on lower left hand side) watchers and sitters are checked.
Failure to do this MAY dq everyone at the table!!!


Once the pairings are announced, and table is set, you have 5 minutes to take your seat. If you are gone longer than 5 minutes, you will be D'qued.
If you have started the game, and are booted, each member has 10 minutes, of boot time, during that game. A player may only be booted 3 times before being D'qued.
**Only the TD can start the timer!** If its a playing TD, and he gets booted, the hosting member will start the time and announce at table.


Subs are permitted, so the game can continue without delay.
Subs, must be members of the league, and the TD will arrange for one if asked.
In the finals, however, a sub is NOT permitted, The final two players MUST play the entire game.


Same household members, may not Partner together, however, they can play against each other. In the event that the pairings are set up for the samehousehold members to play together, the TD will adjust, so they are not allowed to partner.


A BOSTON is defined as a team taking all tricks. If a team runs a Boston, it is an Automatic win.
Quad pinochle, is having 4 queen of spades, and jack of diamonds. If saved, it is also, and automatic win.


This is a ladderstats (auto report) tournament. THE TD WILL REPORT ALL LOSSES AND WINS WHEN TOURNAMENT IS OVER. At the close of the tourney the ladder matches will auto post to the ladder. Any player not following this rule could get a second loss as a penalty.


ANYONE may watch a game game providing there is no disturbance to the players.
Everyone is welcome to the lounge and to watch, please remember, we may have a designated room, but the lobby does not belong to just us. It is a room for everyone! All are welcome!

Please give them respect, and common courtesy. They volunteer their time, so that ALL can enjoy themselves! ANYONE who chooses to give the TD a hard time, will find themselves, boxed or banned depending on the severity of the situation.!!!

2x2 Tournament Rules
Our rules for 2x2's are the same as our regular rules with the following exceptions:
During our 2x2 Tournaments, same household members will be allowed to partner one another.
During our 2x2 Tournaments, there will be no forfeitures, a sub will be found, by the hosting Tournament Director, and the game will move forward. No timer. If the playing partner wishes to concede, and states so, the game will end. But all means will be used to find a sub.

HAVE FUN here in the JUNGLE and Good Luck to All!

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