The Shark Club

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Rank  (To find unranked users, use the filter 'Rank is 0')

The current leaderboard contains 20 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 ThriftyCoins  1706 1832 1573 48.219% -1 14h 5 42.9% 81934 184744 1 1699 12
2 dwandi40boond  1649 1611 1577 50.583% 3 14h 5 40.9% 59372 145442 1 1711 9
3 mcsinchas  2011 1969 1517 50.528% -1 14h 5 43.9% 354439 470499 1 1704 13
4 lucy_petrillo1  Diamond Member Member of this league for 3.3 years 2055 2065 1555 49.879% -1 14h 5 45.4% 1464415 1271952 1 1690 11
5 dfjacobssr  480 359 1637 57.211% 4 1d14h 5 40.3% 69006 90806 1 1772 18
6 gentlegiant1110  220 214 1534 50.691% -2 14h 5 63.8% 23279 35129 1 1709 8
7 Kmajack1421  Gold Member 81 90 1530 47.368% -1 16h 5 73.7% 26105 30955 2 1696 5
8 booboobenz  395 417 1520 48.645% -2 14h 5 61.9% 2794 25444 1 1699 7
9 ALLinJef  1470 1483 1553 49.780% -2 14h 5 46.4% 122992 200232 1 1779 17
10 swick7527  892 870 1590 50.624% -2 1d14h 5 46.9% 82110 131060 1 1676 10
11 babycakes91551  22 23 1485 48.889% -2 16h 4 75.6% 807 2107 2 1673 3
12 hamatos13  377 284 1661 57.035% 0 3d14h 5 72.3% 20949 38679 1 1735 8
13 anerom01  264 509 1429 34.153% -1 14h 5 77.5% 33391 57501 1 1579 8
14 AzHalley  Gold Member 39 125 1308 23.780% 0 15d 5 86.6% 1310 7660 2 1515 4
15 LVBAMBRI  23 31 1478 42.593% 0 187d 5 74.1% 415 2115 3 1637 3
16 jacksonacesxxi  18 15 1489 54.545% 0 203d 5 81.8% 954 1854 4 1726 9
17 MILLYQ914  42 33 1612 56.000% 0 209d 5 78.7% 1083 2983 2 1672 13
18 hobbstommy  457 414 1431 52.468% 0 236d 5 50.5% 46144 69744 1 1701 10
19 vetsmashfb  377 270 1581 58.269% 0 274d 4 62.0% 16762 33752 1 1727 13
20 cczonka  155 124 1613 55.556% 0 284d 5 39.4% 23183 30883 1 1712 8

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