Tigercats Links 2003

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The current leaderboard contains 10 users.


RankAscend Name Wins Losses Skill Win % Streak Idle Ranks Played LadderBux Highest Achieved
Average Higher Now Life Rank Skill Streak
1 TIG_AZWilly  Hot Streak 4585 510 2011 89.990% 5 11h56m 3 0.0% 4860 4860 1 2056 72
2 TIG_Maxman  1767 3747 1609 32.046% -4 11h56m 3 0.0% 12658 12658 1 1687 12
3 TIG_BULL_122  2071 3540 1324 36.910% 2 12h 3 0.0% 11188 11188 1 1666 12
4 TIG_Duffer  2507 2482 1590 50.251% -1 12h 3 0.0% 12472 12472 1 1707 14
5 TIG_TeeShot  Cold Streak 1880 1413 1557 57.091% -5 12h 3 0.0% 7720 7720 1 1722 12
6 Tig_Shanker  806 1532 1255 34.474% -1 1d12h 3 0.0% 6448 6448 1 1606 8
7 TIG_Slattery  Cold Streak 119 80 1524 59.799% -6 3d12h 3 0.0% 1036 1036 2 1701 14
13 TIG_Braveheart  37 72 1370 33.945% 1 6d4h 3 0.0% 1338 1338 4 1624 5
14 TIG_Bumpyrex  1 11 1336 8.333% 0 2d13h 4 0.0% 570 570 9 1515 0
15 TIG_Poppop  356 557 1416 38.992% -1 2d13h 3 0.0% 4502 4502 1 1662 9

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