Close Combat 3 (zcc3)

Message Forum


  • MSN ZONE View
      by CSO_Viper1 on November 23, 2003 at 15:45:55 PST

    MSN ZONE works perfect, Gamespy sux. I play cc3 on the zone until Bill has another brilliant idea.
    • Re: MSN ZONE View
        by psychokomat on December 23, 2003 at 00:54:06 PST

      I agree completely with CSO_VIper. Zone works fine, Gamespy sux: much to download, popups and I think the player search will threaten the community interactivity. Sorry BR_, you better come back.
    • Re: MSN ZONE View
        by BR_TIGER_G on December 20, 2003 at 12:08:04 PST

      Zone is small every year and zone closed CC3 rooms (never forget this). Soon or later they will close zone lan, a trash room only with old games. You play a strategy game, so think in strategy. Now is the time for change or you will stay on zone until they close the last room, and what you will do ?

      JOIN US AT GAMESPY ARCADE ( and save our game !

      • Re: MSN ZONE View
          by cso_viper1 on December 21, 2003 at 13:34:47 PST

        : Zone is small every year and zone closed CC3 rooms (never forget this). Soon or later they will close zone lan, a trash room only with old games. You play a strategy game, so think in strategy. Now is the time for change or you will stay on zone until they close the last room, and what you will do ?

        : JOIN US AT GAMESPY ARCADE ( and save our game !

        Gamespy, not broke yet?

        • Zone View
            by BR_TIGER_G on December 26, 2003 at 15:33:25 PST

          Nope GS not broke and saved CC5. They are now the strongest branch of CC. Thanks to GameSpy they have about 4 times more players than CC3, and new players come every day. If GS engine sucks or not is a matter of individual oppinion. The facts are:

          1) GS servers are very reliable.

          2) The game runs without any problem.

          3) GS is the only dedicated CC3 room we have at moment.

          4) Zone Lan is not linked at Zone Main Page. Why ? Well, is a trash room...

          • Re: Zone View
              by CSO_Viper1 on December 27, 2003 at 08:59:25 PST

            : Nope GS not broke and saved CC5. They are now the strongest branch of CC. Thanks to GameSpy they have about 4 times more players than CC3, and new players come every day. If GS engine sucks or not is a matter of individual oppinion. The facts are:

            : 1) GS servers are very reliable.

            : 2) The game runs without any problem.

            : 3) GS is the only dedicated CC3 room we have at moment.

            : 4) Zone Lan is not linked at Zone Main Page. Why ? Well, is a trash room...

            IF it is so brilliant why isnt it full of players and why isnt zone completely empty? This is all very damaging for cc3, i quit this discussion. Gl with the gs propaganda. By the way, when there was a cc3 and cc5 room on the zone, the cc5 room already had much more players. And it is the last cc that came out too, small wonder it is more popular.

            • Re: Zone View
                by BR_Caatinga_SSA on January 20, 2004 at 20:36:33 PST

              well.. Im happy there.. our men (BRs guys also) and our buddies too.. I fought very well against Viper and my new friend (cool guy) Psycho.. i dont love GS, i love CC3 and like my opponnents.. enough of this crap.. meet us there ;) and meet US on Zone.. just it.. See you guys for good and Fair Engajes

              Wanna die? Hit on Gamespy!

      • Re: MSN ZONE View
          by CSO_Viper1 on December 21, 2003 at 13:34:03 PST

        : Zone is small every year and zone closed CC3 rooms (never forget this). Soon or later they will close zone lan, a trash room only with old games. You play a strategy game, so think in strategy. Now is the time for change or you will stay on zone until they close the last room, and what you will do ?

        : JOIN US AT GAMESPY ARCADE ( and save our game !

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