Message Forum


  • Its me View
      by jedilord on August 3, 2008 at 16:24:23 PDT

    Hi all its been a while since i been in here, i'm in then out then in then out again, buts its a long struggling road to recovery since my injuries saw me come home from the war, but the good news is that the road is shorter than it originally was but still pretty long till i reach the end but you guys are so supportive towards me and its great to have that from friends that i hardly know.

    My wife and kids are supportive towards me but its really marvelous to have some total strangers keeping tabs on me and once in a while asking how i'm doing, most of the time my spirits are high but then there are the lowest points too and its good to have you guys here to keep me going, my daughter is fine for those that know she was recently in hospital turned out to be nothing more than a tummy bug but at least she aint got my problems and issues.

    I'm not gonna go on and on like the duracell bunny so i'll end it here big a big THANK YOU to all the friends (most of the time my big extended family) here on euchrethis

    • Its me View
        by itsmepatti on August 14, 2008 at 12:06:32 PDT

      Hi all its been a while since i been in here, i'm in then out then in then out again, buts its a long struggling road to recovery since my injuries saw me come home from the war, but the good news is that the road is shorter than it originally was but still pretty long till i reach the end but you guys are so supportive towards me and its great to have that from friends that i hardly know.My wife and kids are supportive towards me but its really marvelous to have some total strangers keeping tabs on me and once in a while asking how i'm doing, most of the time my spirits are high but then there are the lowest points too and its good to have you guys here to keep me going, my daughter is fine for those that know she was recently in hospital turned out to be nothing more than a tummy bug but at least she aint got my problems and issues.I'm not gonna go on and on like the duracell bunny so i'll end it here big a big THANK YOU to all the friends (most of the time my big extended family) here on euchrethis
      hi jedi, very nice to see you and to hear that ur home and ok and that family is well..............good wishes being sent ur way hon..............itsmepatti
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