Kanasta_ Friends
Message Forum


  • Sincere Thanks To A Special Group View
      by terriquad on December 23, 2023 at 10:20:53 PST

    The role of a TD/HTD may be non-paying but for some of you IT IS A JOB. You're here setting night after night or day after day. I get paid good money to take crap sometimes or work when I don't really want to work and it doesn't escape me, nor many of us who play quite often that you don't. Some of you deserve a check but unfortunately my last name isn't Kardashian so hopefully a truly heart felt THANK YOU will do. THANK YOU to all of you who set so often so that those of us who enjoy the game of canasta can play! ALL of the TD's on that long list have a life, but some of you take your name being on the list very seriously and show up and up and up. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!
    • Sincere Thanks To A Special Group View
        by Ebenezer on January 22, 2024 at 08:34:32 PST

      The role of a TD/HTD may be non-paying but for some of you IT IS A JOB. You're here setting night after night or day after day. I get paid good money to take crap sometimes or work when I don't really want to work and it doesn't escape me, nor many of us who play quite often that you don't. Some of you deserve a check but unfortunately my last name isn't Kardashian so hopefully a truly heart felt THANK YOU will do. THANK YOU to all of you who set so often so that those of us who enjoy the game of canasta can play! ALL of the TD's on that long list have a life, but some of you take your name being on the list very seriously and show up and up and up. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

      • Sincere Thanks To A Special Group View
          by Ebenezer on January 22, 2024 at 08:34:57 PST

        The role of a TD/HTD may be non-paying but for some of you IT IS A JOB. You're here setting night after night or day after day. I get paid good money to take crap sometimes or work when I don't really want to work and it doesn't escape me, nor many of us who play quite often that you don't. Some of you deserve a check but unfortunately my last name isn't Kardashian so hopefully a truly heart felt THANK YOU will do. THANK YOU to all of you who set so often so that those of us who enjoy the game of canasta can play! ALL of the TD's on that long list have a life, but some of you take your name being on the list very seriously and show up and up and up. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

    • Sincere Thanks To A Special Group View
        by SassiPlayer on January 15, 2024 at 12:58:50 PST


      The role of a TD/HTD may be non-paying but for some of you IT IS A JOB. You're here setting night after night or day after day. I get paid good money to take crap sometimes or work when I don't really want to work and it doesn't escape me, nor many of us who play quite often that you don't. Some of you deserve a check but unfortunately my last name isn't Kardashian so hopefully a truly heart felt THANK YOU will do. THANK YOU to all of you who set so often so that those of us who enjoy the game of canasta can play! ALL of the TD's on that long list have a life, but some of you take your name being on the list very seriously and show up and up and up. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

    • Sincere Thanks To A Special Group View
        by SassiPlayer on January 15, 2024 at 12:50:11 PST

      The role of a TD/HTD may be non-paying but for some of you IT IS A JOB. You're here setting night after night or day after day. I get paid good money to take crap sometimes or work when I don't really want to work and it doesn't escape me, nor many of us who play quite often that you don't. Some of you deserve a check but unfortunately my last name isn't Kardashian so hopefully a truly heart felt THANK YOU will do. THANK YOU to all of you who set so often so that those of us who enjoy the game of canasta can play! ALL of the TD's on that long list have a life, but some of you take your name being on the list very seriously and show up and up and up. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!

    • Sincere Thanks To A Special Group View
        by live_love_laugh on December 31, 2023 at 03:43:42 PST

      I wholeheartedly agree with you! Very well said!
Tournament Time EDT
Safe Harbor Games
Now playing at Safe Harbor Games
League Admins
smokediver310 (Head Admin)  
DiscoDancinDuck (Td Manager )  
harleyz_angels (birthdays )  
itsmedonna (Specials )  
bb_designs2 (page design)  
League Tips
Craigslist is a great place to advertise free couches.
LadderBux Redemptions
Tree of Life Moonstone Pendant (900000)
6-in-1 Multi Tool Pen Kit (550000)
1 TD Donation (5000)
1 TD Donation (5000)
1 TD Donation (5000)

Over $4,854,450.00 worth of prizes awarded so far!
Click here to view available prizes!
Tournament Director
Interested in becoming a tournament director for the League? Click here for the application and more information!