Gin (rengin)

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  • thoughts on back to back and defend games View
      by farmerrich2000 on November 25, 2017 at 04:25:16 PST

    I talked to my OpManager. Her thoughts:

    The only two thoughts I have to speed up play is that a) we increase the number of games played to four a day b) we allow back to back games and c) we scrap the rank defence rule with the exception of 1 v 2 and that this be changed to having to play within 48 hours instead of the current three days

    Please feel free to comment below


    • Re: thoughts on back to back and defend games View
        by gcf129 on November 26, 2017 at 05:06:44 PST

      Sounds good to me.....also agree on what Ski says.
      : I talked to my OpManager. Her thoughts:

      : The only two thoughts I have to speed up play is that a) we increase the number of games played to four a day b) we allow back to back games and c) we scrap the rank defence rule with the exception of 1 v 2 and that this be changed to having to play within 48 hours instead of the current three days

      : Please feel free to comment below

      : Farm

    • Re: thoughts on back to back and defend games View
        by skipole8154 on November 25, 2017 at 05:10:23 PST

      Bigger problem is that there are games available, but people ignore requests. There is no remedy for people sitting in the lobby,waiting for up games.( unless you have a computer degree)

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